When a city girl became a farmer

Anniina Jalkanen and her family bought an old farm and lived a year without running water.

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Simple life makes life worth living.

“After moving to the countryside, our house got heated with wood and conditions were overall more ascetic than we were used to in the city. We lived our first year without running water and “showered” on cold winter evenings in the yard with hot water we had boiled in a pot.

The pace of life is different and there is more room to be and breathe. We get to spend time as a family together all the time, which has always been our dream really.

The first year in the farm was at least memorable. Neither of us come from the countryside and we learned most things through just trying it out. We have gradually acquired animals to farm. Now we already have goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys and a pig. The animals are part of our gang and caring for them is one of our favorite things here.”

We lived our first year without running water and “showered” on cold winter evenings in the yard with hot water we had boiled in a pot.

“From a young age, nature has interested me more than anything else. Now I live in the woods by a lake and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The importance of nature just grows stronger and I get to wonder about it every day. On the other hand, we also have more respect for nature at times the winter is cold or the weather is stormy.

My own values ​​have gradually changed in a more ecological direction and today I want to invest more in quality products that are sustainable to use and last time. “

Anniina Jalkanen

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Anniina Jalkanen 29, is a content producer and social media influencer who lives in an old farm with her husband and daughters.

Check Anniina out on Youtube and Instagram.

Anniina’s watch:
